3 Fast Facts About Heel Pain You Should Know

The feet that you rely on to take you where you need to go in your day-to-day life sure do take a beating–quite literally! However, you rarely appreciate how much stress you do put on those feet until something goes wrong, especially when you start suffering from heel pain. Heel pain can come from a range of problems, from stressed tendons to plantar fasciitis. Yet, even though so many suffer from pain in the heels of their feet, many don't know a lot about what causes the onset or even how to treat the issue. If you are a sufferer of heel pain, you will be pleased to know these three fast facts. 

Heel pain is usually brought on by improper footwear. 

If you are suffering from heel pain, the first place to look is the shoes you wear the most. The fact is, if your shoes do not properly support your feet, it causes you to put more stress on your heels when you take a step. This repeated stress can cause you to have some pretty awful heel pain. If you continuously wear shoes that do not support your feet, you could cause damage to the tendons that connect your heel to the front of your foot. 

Heel pain is most often relative to inflammation when it is short-term. 

If you have short bouts of heel pain that seem to subside when you rest your feet overnight or for a few hours after work, it is likely that you are dealing with inflammation of the tendons in the bottom of your feet. Thankfully, inflammation is usually easy enough to treat without a visit to the doctor. Try soaking your feet in ice water and taking an anti-inflammatory, over-the-counter medication, such as ibuprofen.  

Heel pain can lead to other problems if it is chronic and not treated. 

Pain in your feet can do a lot of things to your musculoskeletal system, especially pain in your heels. If you are experiencing pain in your heels when you step, it can cause you to try and compensate by shifting your weight to the other foot or accepting more impact of each step with your knees or legs. Over the long term, this kind of involuntary reaction can put stress on your spine, knees, legs, and even your hips. Therefore, if you suffer from heel pain consistently, it is always best to see a podiatrist like Cortez Foot & Ankle Specialists for advice.  
