Treatments For A Sprained Ankle When You Need Healthy Ankles For Running Marathons

If running and competing in marathons is a fun hobby for you, you know how important it is to take good care of your feet and ankles. One injury you probably dread is an ankle sprain. If you land on a rock and your foot rolls as you land, it can damage the tissues and bones in your ankle and keep you from running for weeks or months. A sprain should be treated properly or you are more susceptible to future sprains. [Read More]

Treating Heel Pain At Home

Do you find yourself frequently suffering from heel pain? It's a common condition that can be caused by a multitude of things, such as walking on hard surfaces too much or wearing shoes that are worn down. A visit to the podiatrist will help determine the exact cause of your heel pain so that it can be treated properly, but until you can get an appointment you can try some of these home remedies to provide you with temporary pain relief. [Read More]

4 Things Pregnant Women Need To Know About Plantar Fasciitis

Pregnancy can lead to complications throughout your body, and your feet are no exception. During pregnancy, you can develop a variety of foot problems, including plantar fasciitis. Here are three things you need to know about plantar fasciitis. What is plantar fasciitis? Your plantar fascia is a thick band of tissue that connects your heel bones to your toe bones. This tissue is very important: not only does it hold up the arches in your feet, it also acts like a spring and helps you propel yourself forwards when you walk or run. [Read More]

Overly Frustrated With Your Over Pronation? Your Podiatrist Can Help!

If you suffer from foot pain due to rolling your feet inwards, also known as over pronation, your first instinct may be to try to handle the issue yourself using over-the-counter orthotic devices. Such devices are typically designed to slide into your shoes, where they provide extra arch support. The main problem with over-the-counter orthotic devices is that they are made to fit a large range of feet, and thus are unlikely to fit your feet precisely enough to help with over pronation. [Read More]